HONORABLE LIVES - Prophet Riaan du Toit
No two people on earth are alike in taste, experience or lifestyle. We all have to have certain character traits developed in us that is a requisite for life and godliness. I believe we have come to a season of no more compromise in our lives! This scripture therefore says separate yourself from the iniquity in the world!
In 2 TIMOTHY 2:19-21 there is a challenge for every believer to become a vessel of honor!How do we do this? It lists three statements of how to turn yourself into an honorable vessel:a) Whoever cleanses himselfb) Whoever separates himselfc) Whoever resists corrupting influencesThis is it. The moment you apply these, you have turned yourself into a honorable vessel! We generally want to put the responsibility on the pastor, our teachers or even our spouses. It emphatically states WE ARE RESPONSIBLE!
Those with whom you fellowship will form your future and direct your destiny. It’s a fact that our associates and fellowships are a door to our future! Be careful with whom you fellowship. The church has this issue with fellowships whether great or small. Every program designed is to get people together and have them fellowship with one another. Here we get a mixed multitude and mixed breed of opinions, contributions and backgrounds. It is also a fact that among those are vessels of dishonor. We can impact them and change their values or outlook.
How can we do this?1 JOHN 1:7 says if we live and walk in the Light AS HE IS in the Light a few things are evident:
a) We have true unbroken fellowship with one another
b) The blood of Jesus cleanses us
c) The blood of Jesus removes us from all sin and guilt
d) The blood of Jesus keeps us cleansed from sin!
The responsibility lies on us to walk holy, honorable and in the light, exactly as He is in the Light. When we do this, take responsibility for living honorable lives, we have UNBROKEN fellowship with one another!
We can then receive from God and declare that the blood of Jesus cleanses us and REMOVES US from sin. It does not state that our sin will be removed but we will be removed from sin! God will direct my steps and path away from all evil and snares. Not only that but He will keep me cleansed!Press in and live honorable lives. There is so much that will open for you!
All of heaven is available to work on your behalf if you will just take responsibility. In the Garden of Eden, God gave man responsibility and man lost it. We were born for greater things than what we are experiencing now. Make the transition and Transform Your World!
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