By prophet Riaan du Toit (Transforming your World)
In PSALM 51 we see David’s battle. Too many children of God still battle guilt and sin as enemies however, they are actually defeated foes. The Law would not release him because
sacrifice and offerings keep bringing me back to the point of transgression!
According to 1 SAMUEL 15 the Law required sacrifices when a man sinned. The Law required the death and blood of an animal when a man sinned but the blood of animals could not do what the transgressor needed!
It could not remove it but merely covered it until his guilt devoured him later again and he had to bring another sacrifice!
In HEBREWS 10 the Law kept sins forever before them and can never perfect those who keep on bringing sacrifices! If the worshiper was cleansed once for all then:
a) No guilt anymore;
b) No consciousness of sins.
But they continually bring sacrifices and their sacrifices could not take away sin!
When Jesus Christ entered the world He said I don’t bring sacrifices and offering but just give me a body! The Body of the Lord Jesus was broken ONCE FOR ALL meaning we have been made holy once for all through that final sacrifice!
Your sin has no right to be forever before you! The door of guilt-free and sin-free was opened!
HEBREWS 10:12-14 declares He has offered ONE offering and then He sat down, now waiting till His enemies are made a stool beneath His feet !
1 CORINTHIANS 15 says the last enemy to be conquered is death! Notice it says CONQUERED and not given in to! One sacrifice was brought ONCE for ALL!
We don't bring sacrifice of praise anymore - No more sacrifices!
We don't enter His gates with thanksgiving anymore - there are no more divisions to keep us out (HEBREWS 9)!
We don't enter His courts with praise anymore because the temple as we knew it has been destroyed and no more Outer Court, Holy place and Holy of Holies!
In Him, there’s no guilt;
In Him, there’s no sin;
In Him, there’s no disease nor weakness!
Accept Him and accept your FREEDOM!
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